(Though a tiny little name generator program that just spits out a random name from the languige files would be a spiffy little program. The rear compound forms the second half of your fortress's name, which is combined with no spaces (Foobar instead of Foo Bar).Īdjectives, at first glance, it appears these do nothing, but they give up to two words after your compound word (above) separated by spaces that are the adjectives to The X or Of X word choice (see below). There you go, literally tens of thousands of randomly generated names at your fingertips. Hitting enter will move from the type back to the search results. Press e to search for a word (in English), works just like the provisions search. Press c to clear a word selection-your fortress does not need ANY of these words to be chosen (i.e. Choose from an extremely long list of words. It's pretty basic since I'm not actually a programmer, but it uses the dictionaries from the DFWiki and the names it generates are definitely dwarfy. The front compound forms the first half of your fortress's name. I've been looking around for a bit for random name generator for dwarf fortress, but there didn't seem to be one. You can also set the name of the expedition, which uses the same interface. You may craft a more elaborate fortress name than what's made by the name generator.Ĭustom names have no effect on gameplay, but there are a lot of options in this menu (accessible by pressing F on the Prepare Carefully screen). Fortress names are often compounds of two dwarven words. You will be given a semi-random name automatically. When you reach the stage where you are deciding on your founder's skills and starting items, press Shift+ F to choose your fortress name. You can choose the name of your own fortress during the Embark process.

You will be given a semi-random name automatically. You can search for this page title in other pages, search the related logs, or create this page. When you reach the stage where you are deciding on your founder's skills and starting items, press Shift + F to choose your fortress name. the port, which bears the local name of La Marsa, runs up into the land by an. The name of your fortress should be displayed at the top left part of the screen. The name of your fortress should be displayed at the top left part of the screen. Along these declivities, upright as the walls of a fortress, fishermen. If you are playing in Fortress Mode, press z to look at your status screen. I also enjoy puns and word play, so that's always a good time to work that in there.Every fortress has a name. It adds a little levity to the game during intense dramatic moments and it helps the players see the impact they are having on the world and feel invested in it. For random NPCs and one off shops, I'm of the mind that they don't all need to have serious names. There's also a chain of bars called "Your Mother's Place" that happened because of a dumb joke a player made while the party was walking to find a bar in a city they had never been to before and stopped to ask a local where a good place to get a drink was. not only random names, but random naming languages (i.e., name generators). I decided it's name would be Bowie from that point forward. Roguelikes are well-known for their ability to generate infinitely complex. Someone said "Is it David Bowie?" Everyone laughed. A few sessions ago the players met a Solar whom I described as looking androgynous. "Yes-anding" the players - sometimes people throw out something as a joke and I just run with it. This is designed to let me randomize some names for Dwarf Fortress, which Ill then plug into a Dwarven translator.More and more this is becoming my go to for selecting names for everything. The basic world generation menu looks like this: Parameters. :) Typically I'll start with an English word - like fortress, for example - then start selecting languages from the drop down on the right until I find a word that looks pronounceable and sounds like it fits what I'm looking for. It's also a fun way to hide hidden meaning and messages in your character and city names. Google Translate - I like to include diverse areas throughout the world and Google Translate is a nice way to make all of the areas in a certain part of the world sound like they belong together.It can be used in high fantasy folklore, fun or fiction purposes. Toponymy for UK and Ireland (Depending on setting/continent) - The automated dwarf name generator tool is configured in such a way that it can pull out dwarf names that may represent short, smart and bright creatures that resemble humanlike.Fantasy Name Generator ( ) - choose a category, then keep hitting refresh until you see a name or combination of names you like.Monstrous Compendium Vol 3: Minecraft Creatures